Procedures and policies are like a seat belt, boring but necessary

In the professional world, procedures and policies are a necessary evil. They are the backbone of any successful organization, ensuring that everyone has the same understanding and is working towards the same goals.

Published Mar 22, 2023
4 min read
Cover for Procedures and policies are like a seat belt, boring but necessary

In the professional world, procedures and policies are a necessary evil. They are the backbone of any successful organization, ensuring that everyone has the same understanding and is working towards the same goals. But if we're being completely honest, they can often be dry and boring.

Let's take a closer look at some of the

Pros and cons of the procedures and policies

  • Consistency - Procedures and policies ensure that everyone follows the same rules and principles which helps to create a sense of order and predictability within the organization and to ensure consistency of quality and results.

  • Efficiency – Establishing procedures and policies ensures that tasks are completed quickly and efficiently. Employees know what is expected of them and can work smoothly and save time and money for the organization.

  • Compliance - Procedures and policies are often created to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and ethical standards. By following the procedures in the policies, the company can avoid legal challenges and fines.

  • Safety - Many procedures and policies are in place to ensure the safety of employees and customers. This can include everything from workplace safety rules to food handling procedures.

  • Training – Procedures and policies can serve as tools for training new employees. By having clear instructions and guidelines, new hires can quickly learn how things are done in the organization.

In addition to all the advantages, let's look at some of the

Disadvantages of having procedures and policies

  • Bureaucracy – Too many procedures and policies can create a bureaucratic nightmare. When there are too many rules to follow, it can be hard to get anything done.

  • Inflexibility – Sometimes procedures and policies can be too rigid which can lead to situations where employees are unable to adapt to changing circumstances.

  • Restrictiveness – Following procedures and policies can sometimes stifle creativity and innovation. Employees may feel like they are unable to think outside the box or be innovative.

  • Complexity – Overly complicated procedures and policies can be difficult to understand and apply, leading to frustration and errors.

  • Resistance - Employees may refuse to implement procedures and policies that they consider unnecessary or burdensome, which can create workplace tension and lead to non-compliance.

Although often associated with something boring and restrictive, procedures and policies can sometimes be fun. Here are some examples:

  • Dress Codes – We've all seen those dress policies that are so strict they could rival a military uniform. No sandals, no shorts, no visible tattoos, no caps and hats, beige nails, etc... Although the goal is for employees to have a professional appearance, sometimes they can be a bit over the top.

  • Email Policies - Some organizations have email policies that are so strict that they appear to be written in another language. No emojis, no exclamation points, no personal emails… it's enough to make you want to go back to using carrier pigeons.

"No Food in the Office" Policy - Because obviously, we're all adults who can't be trusted to eat without making a mess.

Blue Ink Must Be Used Policy - Because nothing says "professionalism" like being forced to write in a certain color.

"Policy says we can't do it - This is a phrase heard all too often in the workplace when an employee hesitates to make a decision or take action because of a strict policy."

"We've always done it this way." - This phrase is often used as a resistance to changing a procedure or policy, even if it is no longer effective or relevant.

And to conclude, despite the occasional absurdity of workplace procedures and policies, they serve a purpose and are an essential part of any organization. They help ensure consistency in working methods and equal understanding. By finding a balance, organizations can take advantage of procedures and policies without succumbing to their shortcomings. All of this, of course, doesn't mean we can't have a little fun with them along the way. So, the next time you read some procedures or policies, pay attention to see if there are any funny parts to laugh a little and "get through" the reading more easily.