Dramatic Resources
Dramatic Resources specialises in highly practical, inspirational communication-skills training for business that draws on techniques from the theatre, yet remains firmly rooted in a business context. The focus is on the human skills needed to engage and inspire an audience, not on how to use flipcharts or PowerPoint.
Projecting your Leadership
Encourages greater impact, courage and empathy in leadership communication. Participants will reflect on their personal communication style and how small changes in their behaviour can have a big impact on those around them. They will also explore their own authentic leadership style and practice techniques for delivering high stakes messages, motivating others and communicating a vision.
Presenting with impact
Familiar statistics tell us that a startling 93% of the impact of our communication is not to do with what we say, but how we say it. We all know this, of course, but knowledge is not behaviour. This workshop explores the impact you have when you are ‘In the Spotlight’. It offers the opportunity to rehearse new behaviours for more effective communication when giving presentations and in meetings. The focus is on the human skills needed to engage and inspire an audience, not on how to use flipcharts or PowerPoint.
Inspirational Stories
Storytelling techniques can be applied to a range of business interactions, including meetings, presentations and networking scenarios to inspire, reassure and motivate others in a way that emails and PowerPoint slides cannot. The work looks at how we tell stories, how to use story to explain information and ideas and how we can bring our natural abilities as storytellers into a work context.
Improvisation: Risk & Reward
The core elements of improvisation from the world of theatre and comedy are tools which can be used to increase spontaneity and agility in business. Remaining agile requires listening and responding to what is in front of you, putting aside your own agenda and accepting and building on the ideas of others. This session asks participants to take part in a series of practical improvisation exercises, take risks and be bold and looks at how to take these skills back into the workplace and become more comfortable with staying open and agile.